Discover Leicester Square

What's OnBugs Bunny Statue Celebrates Film Release of Space Jam: A New Legacy

The Bugs Bunny Statue featured in the Scenes in the Square trail has been dressed to celebrate the upcoming film release of Space Jam: A New Legacy
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25/01/2020 - 26/07/2020

Afternoon tea at Theatre Café

Temporarily closed - Get ready to ‘jam’-pack your weekend with a seriously sweet treat for stage enthusiasts in one of the best West End cafés inspired by London theatre.
Covent Garden to Leicester Square

Newton to Shakespeare

The tube journey on the Piccadilly line between Leicester Square and Covent Garden is London’s shortest, travelling only 260 metres. It lasts only 45 seconds and at £29.81 per mile, is one of the worlds’ most expensive rail journeys – enough of an incentive to take the scenic route and walk.

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