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What's OnCauleen Smith CIRCA 2020

Immerse yourself in art as Europe’s largest billboard pauses its usual adverts for two minutes every evening at precisely 20:20 GMT, throughout October.
  • Dates 01/11/2020 - 30/11/2020
  • Location Piccadilly Circus, London, W1J 9HP
  • Price
Don’t miss the CIRCA takeover of the Piccadilly Lights at Piccadilly Circus.Launched in October 2020, CIRCA.ART is a public art initiative transforming the way we interact with art during times of unprecedented turmoil. International art superstar Ai Weiwei kicked off the launch in October. Now, the space is handed over to Cauleen Smith, in collaboration with The Showroom, for a month-long takeover throughout November.Every evening at precisely 20:20 GMT throughout November, one of America’s leading artists Cauleen Smith will present her COVID MANIFESTO on the Piccadilly Lights advertising screen in Piccadilly Circus.COVID MANIFESTO consists of 23 pronouncements. Curated in collaboration with The Showroom, London, directed by Elvira Dyangani Ose, Cauleen Smith’s work will be rewriting and revealing each point of the Manifesto in two-minute clips every night.In a sort of 'living' still life , the artist's desk will be the tableau, in which personal items, remnants of daily rituals, and key references to her practice will accumulate, appear and disappear. The project will unfold in a sequence, a crescendo, that will be punctuated by 7 intermissions selected from Smith’s existing works.Over the month, the personal and poetic, the eventful and now historical, will feature as Smith responds to Covid-19 and its multiple aftermaths.In December, Cauleen Smith's work will be followed by British artist Eddie Peake.

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