Discover Leicester Square

What's OnFestive dining experiences at Haymarket Hotel

Taste your way to a sensational Christmas and feast on magnificent festive menus in one of London’s most beautiful hotel restaurants, Brumus Bar and Restaurant.
  • Dates 27/11/2019 - 24/12/2019
  • Location Haymarket Hotel, 1 Suffolk Street, SW1
  • Price £££
Whether celebrating with colleagues, friends or family, the Brumus Bar & Restaurant inside the historical Haymarket Hotel, offers a sensational setting for Festive dining experiences.From a terrific truffle mushroom and celeriac soup or hand carved Scottish smoked salmon to start, plump and juicy roast turkey, apricot and sage stuffing with all the trimming and delightful desserts to devour, there’s something to satisfy everyone’s taste buds.Choose from a range of set menus from £50 per person and settle-in for a fabulous Christmas party. Festive Set Menus are available for pre-booked groups of six or more from 27th November 2019 until 24th December 2019. See full menu here.For table reservations and further information contact Brumus Restaurant online here, or using the following details:T: +44 020 7470 4007E:

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Duel Purpose

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