What's OnFilm Premiere: The Intent 2
- Dates 19/09/2018 - 19/09/2018
- Location Cineworld, 5-6 Leicester Square, WC2H 7NA
- Price Free
A gripping crime thrillerCome and see the next film premiere celebrating the upcoming release of The Intent 2 – The Come Up. Starring Ghetts, a London Grime artist, Adam Deacon, best known for his role in Kidulthood, and Sharon Duncan-Brewster.The film is the prequel the the successful 2016 film 'The Intent'.Visitors to Leicester Square won't be able to watch the film until its cinema release - Friday 21st September. However, you might catch your favourtie grime artist and other famous faces as they walk along the red carpet.View the trailer to the film.About the film‘The Intent 2: The Come Up’ is a gripping crime thriller starring Ghetts, Adam Deacon and Sharon Duncan-Brewster.The story follows Jay’s attempts to set up his own organised crime ring after finding his ambitions crippled by his conflicting allegiances.He’s loyal to his crew and Hackney crime boss Beverley, which is making things difficult for him. But while laying the foundations for his own future, a robbery in north London and a trip to Jamaica threaten to tear his crew apart.Find out more about the film here.

Duel Purpose
In 1849, whilst in London, Karl Marx lived in the German Hotel, which is now Leicester House.