Discover Leicester Square

What's OnFuel your mind, body and soul at Wagamama

Turning over new leaves with new menus and partnerships
  • Dates 01/01/2019 - 30/04/2019
  • Location 14 Irving Street, WC2H 7AF
  • Price ££
Mindfulness at WagamamaDid you know, Wagamama have partnered with mental health charity, Mind?Wagamama believe in nourishing the body, mind and soul and are proudly showing their support in the best way possible. So begins their joint mission to raise awareness and encourage conversation around mental health within each restaurant.And it all starts now.For every Super green and Power juice sold, Wagamama will donate 25p to help fund the vital resources that support charity, Mind.So what are you waiting for? Visit the Leicester Square Wagamama store for a spot of brunch, lunch or dinner to show your added support too.Book your table online here. Or call, 020 7839 2323Spreading positivity from bowl to soulWagamama know food has the power to lift our mood and fuel our passions.Thus, they know that not everyone wants to eat meat during every meal.So to cater to everyone’s request, Wagamama would like to introduce a new vegan menu that serves up the same authentic Wagamama experience that's been enjoyed for the past 25 years.Using only the freshest ingredients, the special vegan dishes will be cooked to order. With the hope of inspiring a few non-vegans to hop on over from time to time.View the vegan menu here.View the main menu here.

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