Discover Leicester Square

What's OnMusic in Film and TV: Raindance panel discussion at Vue Piccadilly

Part of a series of thought-provoking Raindance Film Festival events, Tony Morris chairs a panel, including music supervisors and composers at Vue Piccadilly.
  • Dates 19/09/2019 - 19/09/2019
  • Location Vue Piccadilly, 19 Regent St St James's, SW1Y 4LR
  • Price £12.00
Whether it’s an original commissioned soundtrack or licensing a classic Bowie track, filmmakers need to understand certain key principles before synching the music during post-production.From 10.30am - 12pm at Vue Piccadilly on Thursday 19th September 2019, join Tony Morris as he chairs a panel, including music supervisors and composers, discussing how filmmakers at every level can properly use music in their productions.The full list of pannelists: Prepare for an immersive panel discussion and get your tickets online here.

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