Discover Leicester Square

What's OnRaindance Film Festival 2021

Discover the UK’s boldest film festival championing independent film and filmmakers with an all-new virtual programme for the 28th Raindance Film Festival.
  • Dates 28/10/2020 - 07/11/2020
  • Location From wherever you are in the UK, and limited availability around the world
  • Price
Shining the spotlight on independent film and filmmakers, get ready for Raindance Film Festival, running from 28 October - 7 November 2020.Offering an entirely new way of looking at and appreciating the very best of independent cinema from around the world, it’s the must-have film festival experience of the year.This year the festival will be offering a virtual programme of films and immersive experiences available free of charge. But, audiences are asked to consider donating through the Raindance website so they can continue to champion independent filmmakers.So, what are you waiting for? Explore a programme of virtual premieres, live Q&As with international filmmakers and industry panels through the Raindance Player, powered by Shift72.Whatever you decide, get ready to discover the world's best independent movies with the 28th annual film festival.Explore the programme online.

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25/01/2020 - 26/07/2020

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Newton to Shakespeare

Covent Garden to Leicester Square

Leicester square has been home to a number of historical figures. Statues of William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, John Hunter and Sir Isaac Newton have all featured in the gardens, which at the centre, permanently showcases William Shakespeare.

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